Siluette of a person in a church

Training for Trust

How do we nurture a culture of trust?

Online Gathering: October 17th
10:00am to 11:30am

Trust is essential in any relationship, whether personal or professional, because it forms the foundation for cooperation, communication, and stability. When trust exists, people feel secure in relying on one another, which fosters openness, reduces misunderstandings, and encourages collaboration. In professional settings, trust increases productivity and innovation, as individuals are more likely to share ideas, take risks, and work together towards common goals. In personal relationships, trust deepens emotional connections, creates a sense of safety, and promotes mutual respect. Without trust, relationships can quickly deteriorate, leading to suspicion, conflict, and breakdowns in communication. Ultimately, trust enables healthy, effective, and meaningful interactions.

General Synod of the Church of England discussed an important paper on “Trust and Trustworthiness” at the July sessions, revealing the lack of trust common in our ecclesiastical institutions.  Citizens UK has produced a report on the Weaving Trust methodology pioneered in Milton Keynes. 

This session will explore the issues of trust in Church and wider society and the methodologies that could be used to address it.

Download the General Synod Paper
Download the Citizens UK Report